White Ribbon is an international charity that works to raise awareness of violence against women and encourage men to support women’s groups .

Wednesday 25 November – the official White Ribbon Day – marked the start of 16 days of action.

During this time, men everywhere are asked to recognise the necessity for them to stand up and take responsibility in working towards a future without violence against women.

To support and raise awareness of the campaign, I gave out white ribbons to friends and neighbours in the village I live.

I like to share the message: ‘Everything you do makes a difference – please help get the message out! #MakeThePromise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about domestic abuse.’

“Violence against women, means “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”. United Nations (1994)

According to White Ribbon, Covid-19 has increased violence against women with the National Domestic Abuse Helpline logging 77 per cent more calls during June 2020.

In the workplace, more than 35 per cent of UK women have experienced at least one sexist workplace demand since the lockdown started in March.